That will be a page for some useful Vim tips which I have searched for once and just want to have them kept somewhere.

Find and replace in multiple files

The simplest example would be the following

:args `find . -name '*rb'`
:argdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update

First the args command will collect all the files found by the find to the arglist. Then the argdo command will iterate accross all the file names from the arglist and apply the changes. The update is here to apply changes to all the files without asking.

If you have a larger project

You can tune the find command a bit to skip specific directories. For example, the node_modules and log directory usually contain the significant amount of files which are generated automatically and are usually not stored to the version controll system. So we can just skip them from the arglist and the replacement will be performed significantly faster.

To exclude a specific file you can add this modifier to the find command: -path 'directory-to-exclude' -prune -false -o.

The full example for excluding both node_modules and log will look like following:

:args `find . -path '**/node_modules' -prune -false -o -path '**/log' -prune -false -o -type f -name '*rb'`
:argdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update

We can narrow the search area even

By using the grep together with the find command. You will just need to duplicate you search pattern two times.

So that you get a prefiltered set of files in arglist which consists only of those which have the search pattern in them. The -exec grep -l 'pattern' {} \; modifier at the end will do the trick:

:args `find . -path '**/node_modules' -prune -false -o -path '**/log' -prune -false -o -type f -name '*rb' -exec grep -l 'pattern' {} \;`
:argdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update

The extra output also decreases the speed significantly

You can prefix the argdo with a silent! command which will gobble up the messages from stdout:

:args `find . -path '**/node_modules' -prune -false -o -path '**/log' -prune -false -o -type f -name '*rb' -exec grep -l 'pattern' {} \;`
:silent! argdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update

Save as root

If you have opened a root owned file for editing while using the non-root user session, this command will help you to save the file as a root user:

:w !sudo tee %


  • ! executes the follow-up command directrly in shell
  • tee is a shell command which redirects the write output of a stream
  • % is a vim specific variable that stores the current filename

So the command will take the output of the file save (:w) and put it to the file which is called same as the file you’re currently editing but as a sudo user.

Perl compatible regular expressions

Just place the \v before the regex and it will do the trick.


Removing duplicate lines

So simple is that

:sort u

To be continued…

Will continuously populate it with more tips in future :memo: